Modeling SDK
OpenDDS includes the OpenDDS Modeling Software Development Kit (SDK). This is a set of tools to simplify using the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS). This modeling SDK can be used to easily capture aspects of the DDS service that are not of interest to the application developer, leaving the developer free to devote more time to application issues rather than the details of internal middleware plumbing. The modeling SDK is a set of Eclipse Plug-ins that can be easily installed using the standard Eclipse installation mechanisms.
To provide portability of widely used skills, the model uses standards-based UML modeling elements and should be familiar to users of other UML tools. The elements available for describing a model are based on the metamodel described in UML Profile For Data Distribution Specification (OMG: ptc/2010-05-17). In turn, this specification reflects the DDS Platform Independent Model (PIM) defined in Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems (OMG: formal/07-01-01).
Once a model has been captured, it is used to generate source code. That source code is then compiled into link libraries that can be linked into a user application. Applications access the DDS API by instantiating classes generated from the model and accessing the Entities represented in the model by name. The application is then free to send and receive data directly from the DDS defined Entities. All of the features defined in the specification are available for use by applications when using code generated from a model.
The SDK is built on top of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). Because of the universal acceptance of EMF, it is feasible to consider interoperability with other modeling tools. In addition, the OpenDDS Modeling SDK model files use the standards-based XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format. This provides further opportunity for interoperability with tools that work with XMI files. To simplify this interoperability, the semantic model information is in one file and the graphical representation is in another. This separation allows diagrams to be created from semantic models obtained by other tools.
The serialization schema for the semantic model content is available in XSD format. If legacy and other external data is converted into this format, then the SDK will be able to incorporate that data and make it available as if it were captured in the native SDK editors.

OpenDDS Modeling is provided via Eclipse plug-ins that include tools such as graphical model capture editors and code generation forms. These plug-ins were developed for Eclipse Galileo (3.5) and have been successfully used with Helios (3.6) and Luna (4.4).
To install the plug-ins, use the standard installation mechanism for Eclipse, an installation site is available for the tools at:
- for Eclipse 3.x:
- for Eclipse 4.4:
The feature to install from that site is:
- OpenDDS Modeling SDK
To simplify installation where a full Internet connection may not be available, the file:
- for Eclipse 3.x:
- for Eclipse 4.4:
is available for download as well. This can be used as a local archive for installation by Eclipse.
As mentioned in the introduction, a UML model defining DCPS elements and policies along with data definitions is captured using the graphical model capture editors included in the Eclipse plug-ins. The elements of the UML model follows the structure of the DDS UML Platform Independent Model (PIM) defined in the DDS specification (OMG: formal/07-01-01).
Different diagram types are used to capture information in the model, including:
Diagram | Description |
main |
Captures information about packaging and contains elements representing each of the other diagrams included in the model. This includes all of the DCPS, QoS, and Data diagrams that are included locally in the model. References to external model diagrams are possible from this diagram as well. |
Captures information about the DCPS elements included in the model. These are the DCPS Entities and their relationships. |
QoS |
Captures information about Quality of Service policies that are used within the model. These diagrams are used to share common sets of policy values between more than one element in the DCPS model. Alternatively, the policy values can be set locally to the elements to which they apply. |
Data |
Captures the data definitions for data types that will be transported by the DDS service. |
Opening a new OpenDDS model within the plug-ins begins with a top level main diagram. This diagram includes any package structures to be included in the model along with the local QoS policy definitions, data definitions, and DCPS elements of the model.
A model can contain references to other externally defined models. This supports reuse and concurrent development. To maximize this potential, models can be created for QoS policies only, data definitions only, or DCPS elements only and then be referenced in other models. This allows sharing of data definitions and QoS policies among different DCPS models as well as including externally defined data in a new set of data definitions.
See Model Capture for more detailed information on capturing a model.
Source code is then generated from the captured model using a separate forms based editor. The generated code can then be compiled into link libraries. These libraries provide the middleware elements defined in the model. User applications can then utilize the middleware elements by linking to the libraries.
Forms are used to customize and generate code from a model. A file separate from the model file is used for this purpose. This allows more than one set of code customization and generation instructions to be created for any single model. The forms used to capture information about customization and code generation are:
Form | Description |
Code Generation |
Specifies the model file to use for code generation and the target directory where the generated output files will be placed. This form also includes the push button controls for generating the output files - one for generating all output files, and one for each output file that can be generated. |
Model Customization |
This form allows individual variants of a model to be specified to allow them to be created and used simultaneously. The features which are unique to each variant include an offset to transport indices to avoid conflicts with transport index values. The transport configuration can also be specified directly for each transport in the model. |
Build Paths |
This form allows the developer to include paths to be searched at build time for include files and link libraries. These paths can be specified as an environment variable that will be available at build time, a path, or a combination of the two: an environment variable with a path relative to the value of that variable. |
Specifics of code generation are unique to the individual generation forms and are kept separate from the model for which generation is being performed. Code generation is performed on a single model at a time and includes the ability to tailor the generated code as well as specifying search paths to be used for locating resources at build time. The model to be generated from as well as the target directory into which the resulting generated source code will be placed are selectable via the forms interface.
It is possible to generate model variations (separately instantiatable forms of the same model) that can then be created within the same application or different applications. It is also possible to specify locations to search for header files and link libraries at build time.
The files generated from a model include:
File | Description |
<model>.idl |
Includes the IDL data definitions for the model. The IDL compiler will convert these into C++ files that can be included into the application. |
<model>Traits.h |
Includes customization and a definition of each model type that was specified to be generated. This is the only header that needs to be included in the application code. It includes the remaining required files needed by the application, including the data definition files. |
<model>_T.h |
This contains the actual model definition information that is customized by the traits. It defines the class that provides access to the DDS specified Entities and API. |
<model>.mpc |
Build support files. These files are used to build the linkable library of the model. They can also be used to simplify building of the application and any other libraries that include elements from this model. |
The build support files are based on the MPC portable build system used by OpenDDS itself. It can be used to generate makefiles or project files for building the model libraries according to the development environment.
See Model to Code for more detailed information on code generation from a model.
In order to use the middleware defined by a model, applications need to link in the generated code. This is done through header files and link libraries. Support for building applications using the MPC portable build tool is included in the generated files.
Application access to the DDS API is provided through a class for each model that will be created within the application. A single header file per model should be included which defines the model classes. In addition, a separate support class needs to be instantiated in order to manage the lifetime of the OpenDDS service within the application.
See Using Code Generated from a Model for more detailed information on application programming with a model.
For further information about the OpenDDS Modeling SDK:
- Training in OpenDDS Programming with C++ and the OpenDDS Modeling SDK is available from Object Computing, Inc. (OCI). See Course Offerings - Distributed Computing for descriptions of these and other Distributed Computing course offerings from OCI.
- The OpenDDS Developer's Guide contains information on installing and getting started with the SDK, along with details on developing applications that use the SDK.
- The OpenDDS Modeling SDK includes content accessible from the Eclipse Help system on creating graphical models and generation code from these models. This content is under the OpenDDS Modeling SDK Guide topic.