Performance > Data Model

OpenDDS - Performance Test Descriptions

Data Model

The contents of the $DDS_ROOT/performance-tests/Bench/doc/datamode.txt file are reproduced here for reference.
# $Id: data_model.html 52 2010-01-30 00:00:25Z martinezm $

Overall test configuration requires that each process be identified.
Each process can then be configured using the configuration file format
below.  The overall test topology is then completely determined by the
Topic and Partition values for individual publications and subscriptions.

# Individual scenario definition configuration file contents are
# described below.  Files with this format can be specified to a
# testprocess executable and will configure that process to create the
# specified entities with the specified characteristics.

  # Participant Qos Policy values
  UserData      = <string>
  EntityFactory = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1

  # Test execution parameters
  DomainId      = <number>

  # Topic Qos Policy values
  TopicData                           = <string>
  Durability                          = <string> # One of VOLATILE, LOCAL, TRANSIENT, PERSISTENT
  DurabilityServiceDuration           = <number>
  DurabilityServiceHistoryKind        = <string> # One of ALL, LAST
  DurabilityServiceHistoryDepth       = <number>
  DurabilityServiceSamples            = <number>
  DurabilityServiceInstances          = <number>
  DurabilityServiceSamplesPerInstance = <number>
  Deadline                            = <number>
  LatencyBudget                       = <number>
  LivelinessKind                      = <string> # One of AUTOMATIC, PARTICIPANT, TOPIC
  LivelinessDuration                  = <number>
  ReliabilityKind                     = <string> # One of BEST_EFFORT, RELIABLE
  ReliabilityMaxBlocking              = <number>
  DestinationOrder                    = <string> # One of SOURCE, RECEPTION
  HistoryKind                         = <string> # One of ALL, LAST
  HistoryDepth                        = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamples                  = <number>
  ResourceMaxInstances                = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamplesPerInstance       = <number>
  TransportPriority                   = <number>
  LifespanDuration                    = <number>
  OwnershipKind                       = <string> # One of SHARED, EXCLUSIVE

  # Test execution parameters
  Participant                         = <string> # One of participant <name>

  # Publisher Qos Policy values
  Presentation                        = <string> # One of INSTANCE, TOPIC, GROUP
  PresentationCoherent                = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1
  PresentationOrdered                 = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1
  Partition                           = <string> # Only single value supported
  GroupData                           = <string>
  EntityFactory                       = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1

  # DataWriter Qos Policy values
  Durability                          = <string> # One of VOLATILE, LOCAL, TRANSIENT, PERSISTENT
  DurabilityServiceDuration           = <number>
  DurabilityServiceHistoryKind        = <string> # One of ALL, LAST
  DurabilityServiceHistoryDepth       = <number>
  DurabilityServiceSamples            = <number>
  DurabilityServiceInstances          = <number>
  DurabilityServiceSamplesPerInstance = <number>
  Deadline                            = <number>
  LatencyBudget                       = <number>
  LivelinessKind                      = <string> # One of AUTOMATIC, PARTICIPANT, TOPIC
  LivelinessDuration                  = <number>
  ReliabilityKind                     = <string> # One of BEST_EFFORT, RELIABLE
  ReliabilityMaxBlocking              = <number>
  DestinationOrder                    = <string> # One of SOURCE, RECEPTION
  HistoryKind                         = <string> # One of ALL, LAST
  HistoryDepth                        = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamples                  = <number>
  ResourceMaxInstances                = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamplesPerInstance       = <number>
  TransportPriority                   = <number>
  Lifespan                            = <number>
  UserData                            = <string>
  #VERSION1.2# OwnershipKind                       = <string> # One of SHARED, EXCLUSIVE
  OwnershipStrength                   = <number>
  WriterDataLifecycle                 = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1

  # Test execution parameters
  Topic                               = <string> # One of topic <name>
  TransportIndex                      = <number> # Index into transport configurations
  MessageSource                       = <string> # One of subscription <name>
  MessageFixedRate                    = <number> # Samples per second, 0 indicates use MessageRate
  MessageRate                         = <number> # Samples per second, Poisson arrival times
  MessageSize                         = <number> # bytes per sample
  MessageMax                          = <number> # upper bound for size
  MessageMin                          = <number> # lower bound for size
  MessageDeviation                    = <number> # standard deviation for size

  # Subscriber Qos Policy values
  Presentation                        = <string> # One of INSTANCE, TOPIC, GROUP
  PresentationCoherent                = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1
  PresentationOrdered                 = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1
  Partition                           = <string> # Only single value supported
  GroupData                           = <string>
  EntityFactory                       = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1

  # DataReader Qos Policy values
  Durability                          = <string> # One of VOLATILE, LOCAL, TRANSIENT, PERSISTENT
  Deadline                            = <number>
  LatencyBudget                       = <number>
  LivelinessKind                      = <string> # One of AUTOMATIC, PARTICIPANT, TOPIC
  LivelinessDuration                  = <number>
  ReliabilityKind                     = <string> # One of BEST_EFFORT, RELIABLE
  ReliabilityMaxBlocking              = <number>
  DestinationOrder                    = <string> # One of SOURCE, RECEPTION
  HistoryKind                         = <string> # One of ALL, LAST
  HistoryDepth                        = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamples                  = <number>
  ResourceMaxInstances                = <number>
  ResourceMaxSamplesPerInstance       = <number>
  UserData                            = <string>
  TimeBasedFilter                     = <number>
  ReaderDataLifecycle                 = <bool> # Boolean: numeric 0 or 1

  # Test execution parameters
  Topic                               = <string> # One of topic <name>
  TransportIndex                      = <number> # Index into transport configurations
  DataCollectionFile                  = <string> # Filename for collected data
  DataCollectionBound                 = <number>
  DataCollectionRetention             = <string> # One of ALL, OLDEST, NEWEST

$Id: data_model.html 52 2010-01-30 00:00:25Z martinezm $